Yes, I do in-person and virtual school visits, and I enjoy them immensely! Let me connect with your students and get them pumped about reading and writing!
Breathing Life into Characters (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss how a character goes from being a simple thought to someone almost real enough to touch, using a character creation list and other aids.
Activity: Students will get a chance to create their own characters and tell the audience about them.
Research Rules! (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will share the importance of research, even for fiction, and how to make it entertaining, whether the subject is superheroes or STEM.
Activity: Students will brainstorm creative ways to research projects, perhaps even pulling from existing school assignments.
From Pen to Publication (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss how a book comes into being, from the first time a writer sits down with a blank sheet of paper to the point where the book is sitting on the shelf.
Activity: Students will be given time for a question and answer session (if the Q&A session runs long, that is fine)
Let's Write a Story (75 minutes)
Discussion: For first 15 minutes, author will discuss basic story formatting with students, from problem introduction to conflict to resolution. Remaining hour will be devoted to activity.
Activity: Students will, as individuals or in groups, create their own short story based on prior knowledge and discussion. Best story (with sensible conflict and resolution) wins a special prize!
An Author's Life (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss what exactly goes on in the average year of an author, explaining about booksignings, school visits, interviews, conferences, etc.
Activity: Students will be given time for a question and answer session (if the Q&A session runs long, that is fine)
Make 'Em Laugh (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will go over the key elements of humor and how to get an audience laughing. followed by exercises where students will get their own shot at being the class cut-up.
Activity: Students will choose from different humor activities, either captioning funny photos, writing a funny anecdote or coming up with a punchline for a joke.
Build a Better World (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss world-building in novels and the elements (such as economy, government, trade) necessary to make it a three-dimensional, believable place.
Activity: Students will work in small groups to create their own world and introduce it to the other students.
Rejected! (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss one of the hardest aspects of the publishing business, dealing with rejection, be it from agents, editors, or even the public. Author will provide helpful tips on how to deal with rejection and the emotions that accompany it.
Activity: Students will be asked to anonymously submit one rejection story from their past (this can be done and typed up even before the author arrives). Author will read some of the stories out loud and the students will provide advice on how to cope with that situation.
Discussion: Author will discuss how a character goes from being a simple thought to someone almost real enough to touch, using a character creation list and other aids.
Activity: Students will get a chance to create their own characters and tell the audience about them.
Research Rules! (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will share the importance of research, even for fiction, and how to make it entertaining, whether the subject is superheroes or STEM.
Activity: Students will brainstorm creative ways to research projects, perhaps even pulling from existing school assignments.
From Pen to Publication (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss how a book comes into being, from the first time a writer sits down with a blank sheet of paper to the point where the book is sitting on the shelf.
Activity: Students will be given time for a question and answer session (if the Q&A session runs long, that is fine)
Let's Write a Story (75 minutes)
Discussion: For first 15 minutes, author will discuss basic story formatting with students, from problem introduction to conflict to resolution. Remaining hour will be devoted to activity.
Activity: Students will, as individuals or in groups, create their own short story based on prior knowledge and discussion. Best story (with sensible conflict and resolution) wins a special prize!
An Author's Life (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss what exactly goes on in the average year of an author, explaining about booksignings, school visits, interviews, conferences, etc.
Activity: Students will be given time for a question and answer session (if the Q&A session runs long, that is fine)
Make 'Em Laugh (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will go over the key elements of humor and how to get an audience laughing. followed by exercises where students will get their own shot at being the class cut-up.
Activity: Students will choose from different humor activities, either captioning funny photos, writing a funny anecdote or coming up with a punchline for a joke.
Build a Better World (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss world-building in novels and the elements (such as economy, government, trade) necessary to make it a three-dimensional, believable place.
Activity: Students will work in small groups to create their own world and introduce it to the other students.
Rejected! (1 hour)
Discussion: Author will discuss one of the hardest aspects of the publishing business, dealing with rejection, be it from agents, editors, or even the public. Author will provide helpful tips on how to deal with rejection and the emotions that accompany it.
Activity: Students will be asked to anonymously submit one rejection story from their past (this can be done and typed up even before the author arrives). Author will read some of the stories out loud and the students will provide advice on how to cope with that situation.